08 February 2023

1. 甚么是私隐声明?

您的隐私对我们很重要. 本隐私声明适用于您访问或使用我们的网站, 应用程序和其他服务, including events, 引用或链接到本隐私政策(每个), a “Service”). 本隐私声明可由其他隐私声明补充, 提供给您的条款或通知. 当我们处理您的个人数据时,我们将遵守相关的数据保护和隐私立法.

您的个人资料包括我们持有的所有识别您身份或与您有关的信息. 它不包括标识已被删除的数据(匿名数据)。. 关于我们向您收集的个人资料类型的更多信息如下.

我们对您的个人数据所做的一切都算作对其的处理, 包括收集, storing, amending, 传输和删除. We will comply with the relevant legislation to make sure that your information is properly protected and used appropriately.

2. Who are we?

包机服务 is made up of different legal entities and this Privacy Notice is issued on behalf of the 包机服务 group so when we mention “包机服务”, “we”, 本隐私声明中使用“我们”或“我们的”, 我们指的是本组中负责处理您的数据的相关公司. 

包机服务集团有限公司(公司注册号:04028491, 尤厄尔路171-185号, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AP, 英国及其附属公司(包括The Travel Division Ltd,经营银河娱乐场galaxy旅游) & 礼宾部(公司注册号:08697954)均被视为数据控制者. However, where 包机服务 is provided with information from a third party or a customer relating to a passenger that we are arranging a charter for we are data processors and will only process such data in accordance with the third party’s or the customer’s instructions.

3. 我们收集哪些个人资料?

当你购买一项服务时, 购买产品, macaugalaxy银河国际或填写在线表格, 我们可以收集各种各样的信息, including, 但不限于; your name, title, job title, mailing address, telephone number, email address, passport details, 信用卡/借记卡或银行详细信息.
我们处理您的大部分信息的理由是履行我们与您的合同, 即确认您的订单, 与您联系服务交付事宜, 安排您的付款处理,并为您提供您所购买的产品. 我们也可能出于合法利益使用您的个人信息, 包括欺诈保护,培训和质量.

Special category data is a category of personal data which requires more protection because it is sensitive in terms of applicable law, 例如关于健康的数据.
健康数据的处理只会优先用于确保您的安全, 飞行期间和飞行后, 我们也得到了你的同意. 向我们提供这些敏感的个人资料, 您明确同意我们可以收取, use, 与第三方(如航空公司)共享和传输这些数据.

Website Visitors
你在哪里使用www网站, 以改善本网站及我们所提供的产品和服务, 我们可能会收集IP地址和cookie ID等技术数据. 有关我们如何使用cookie的更多信息,请参阅我们的 Cookie Policy.

如果你为我们的供应商工作或者是我们的业务联系人, 我们通常会处理您的姓名和业务联系方式, 比如你的商业电子邮件地址和电话号码,以及你所在机构的地址. We process the information on the grounds of our legitimate interests in maintaining our relationship with you or in limited circumstances, 基于履行与您的合同或遵守强加给我们的法律义务.

为了预防、侦查和安全,我们在内部和周围安装了闭路电视. 我们保留闭路电视图像30天,然后将其删除.

如果你向我们申请职位空缺, 或者给我们发简历, 我们可能处理的有关您的个人资料包括:

  • 身份数据,如您的名字, middle names, surname, marital status, title, 出生日期和性别;
  • 联络资料,例如您的通讯地址、电邮地址及电话号码;
  • 背景资料,包括你的教育、职业背景和工作经验;
  • Personal information regarding your skills and qualifications; and
  • 您发送给我们的简历、申请或求职信中包含的任何其他信息.

We process your information on the grounds of our legitimate interests to determine whether or not we have a suitable vacancy for you. 在某种程度上,我们需要处理关于您的特殊类别的数据(例如, (如你参加面试,确保我们的办公场所设备齐全), 我们将根据我们的法律义务这样做. 如果您向我们提供了我们未要求的特殊类别的数据, 我们将在您同意的基础上对其进行处理,因为您是自愿向我们提供信息的.

4. 如何收集个人资料?


  • 直接的相互作用

您可以在我们的网站上填写表格或以邮寄方式向我们提供您的个人资料, phone, 电子邮件或其他方式. This includes personal data you provide when you: place an order for our products or services; submit a query about our products or service whether on our Website or by email or phone; request for marketing to be sent to you; or give us feedback or contact us for any other reason.

  • Third Parties

我们可能会从第三方收集您的个人资料, 例如,我们的客户可能会提供您的乘客信息,以便安排包机. We may also collect information from publicly available sources (such as Companies House) and data suppliers to validate or supplement the information we hold. 

We receive personal data directly from you when you contact us in respect of a specific vacancy or with a speculative approach. We may also receive information about you from recruiters and agencies that provide temporary workers or from your previous employer.

5. 我们什么时候联系你?

  • 与任何服务有关, product, 您已注册的活动或在线内容,以确保它可以交付或提供, e.g. 确保支付你的船费, 提供其他包机相关服务或升级, 或者询问您是否需要我们的服务;
  • 关于我们从您那里收到的任何信件或您提出的任何评论或投诉;
  • 邀请您参与自愿调查.
  • 向您通报政策和做法的任何重大变化.
  • 定期向您通报我们认为您可能感兴趣的相关产品和服务. 通讯类型包括季度通讯更新, 云杂志或电子邮件,如空腿和包机可用性.

我们只会根据数据保护和隐私立法授权向您发送营销材料, 这通常意味着我们要么得到你的同意,向你发送营销信息, 我们寄给你是因为你是我们的老客户之一, 或以合法权益为理由. 您可以随时退订我们的营销通讯, either by clicking “unsubscribe” in any marketing email we send to you or by contacting us using the contact details at the end of this Privacy Notice.

6. 我们会保存个人资料多久?

在我们与您的关系存续期间,您的个人资料将被保留, 或者自您下订单之日起不超过6年. 这使我们能够处理维护业务和财务记录, 解决纠纷或保证. 在该日期之后,您的个人数据将被删除或匿名化,从而不再具有个人身份. 您的信息将始终被妥善保管.

在我们与您或您所在机构的关系存续期间,您的个人资料将被保留. 如果您离开组织或您的详细信息发生变化,请告诉我们. 如果我们收到您或您所在机构的通知,通知您不再在该机构工作, 或者如果我们不再与您的组织保持工作关系, 我们将从系统中删除您的信息.

如果我们与您通信作为一个潜在的供应商, we will retain your details until we receive notification from you or your organisation that you no longer work at that organisation or until we no longer correspond with the organisation for which you work.

如果你成功了, 我们将根据员工隐私政策保留您的个人信息, 我们会提供一份副本给你. 如果你失败了, 一般来说,我们会保留你的申请, CV and/or covering letter and any other personal data you provided to us for 6 months from the date we reach our decision in case any other suitable roles arise in which we think you may be interested, 或者如果你对我们的决定有任何疑问的话. 在该日期之后,您的个人资料将被永久删除或销毁.

除此之外, 我们保留您的个人资料,只要它是必要的和有关我们的运作. Generally, 我们根据内部保存程序保存个人资料, 哪些是根据我们的规管责任和良好做法而确定的. In addition, 我们可能会保留与以往预订活动有关的个人数据,以遵守国家法律, prevent fraud, 收取所欠费用, resolve disputes, 排除故障, 协助任何调查, 并采取适用国家法律允许或要求的其他行动.

在我们不再需要保留您的个人资料之后, 我们对部分数据进行匿名处理,以供分析之用,并以安全的方式处理其余数据. 如果您对我们的保留期有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件与我们联系

7. 我们与谁共享个人数据?

We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. 以下是我们可能与之共享您的个人数据的潜在第三方列表.

这包括外部第三方服务提供商, such as an airline for when you book a flight; accountants, auditors, experts, lawyers and other outside professional advisors; IT systems, support and hosting service providers; printing, advertising, marketing and market research and analysis service providers; document and records management providers; technical engineers; data storage and cloud providers and similar third-party vendors and outsourced service providers that assist us in carrying out business activities.

我们可能会与政府或其他公共机构(包括, 但不限于, courts, law enforcement, tax authorities and criminal investigations agencies); and third-party civil legal process participants and their accountants, auditors, lawyers and other advisors and representatives as we believe to be necessary or appropriate: (a) to comply with applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions; (e) to protect our operations or those of any of our group companies; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, 安全或财产, 以及我们的集团公司, you or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit our damages.

我们是Mountfitchet集团有限公司的成员公司. 我们可能会与我们集团公司的某些成员共享您的个人信息. 如他们可查阅你的个人资料,他们只会将资料用于本私隐声明所载的目的. 我们将继续负责共同使用的个人信息的管理和安全. Access to Personal Information is restricted to those individuals who have a need to access the information for our business purposes.

在一定程度上,这是必要的, 我们可能选择出售给的第三方, 转让或合并我们的部分业务或资产可能会获取您的个人数据. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them at which point they may also gain access to your personal data. 如果我们的生意发生了变化, 则新拥有人可按本私隐声明所载的方式使用您的个人资料.

Whenever we transfer your personal data we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is in place:

  • we will only transfer your personal information to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection to it by the relevant authorities; or
  • we may make the transfer of your personal information subject to specific contractual provisions which ensure it is suitably protected. 

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific methods used by us when transferring your personal data.

8. 我们如何保障个人资料的安全?

我们会致力保障您的个人资料安全,防止未经授权的人士查阅, 未经授权的改变, 泄露或销毁我们所掌握的信息.

  • 对我们的服务和数据进行加密;
  • 查看我们的信息收集, 存储和处理实践, 包括物理安全措施;
  • 个人信息的访问控制限制;
  • contractual confidentiality and processing agreements for employees and/or third parties who may require access to personal data; and
  • 制定我们的数据安全程序和员工培训的内部政策

9. 您对个人资料有哪些权利?

我们不会使用您的个人资料进行任何自动决策(例如.e. 在没有人参与的情况下做出决定), 您的个人数据也不会用于任何分析目的.

在某些情况下, 根据法律规定,您有权要求查阅您的个人信息, 要求更正我们所持有的有关您的个人信息, 在我们没有充分理由继续处理您的个人信息时,请求删除您的个人信息, object to processing of your personal information and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground, request the restriction of processing of your personal information or request the transfer of your personal information to another party.

您有权随时撤回您对处理您的个人数据的同意. 要撤销您的同意,请使用下面的联系方式与我们联系. 一旦我们收到您撤回同意的通知, 我们将不再为您最初同意的目的处理您的信息, 除非我们有其他正当理由这么做.

这些权利适用于我们处理您的数据期间. There are certain caveats and exemptions to those rights which mean that in some circumstances you may not be entitled to exercise them, 如果我们在收到您的请求时认为是这样的话, 我们会让你知道的.

10. 需要macaugalaxy银河国际吗??

如对本私隐声明或更新有任何查询或意见, 对你的记录的修改和更正, 或索取个人资料, please contact 或邮寄至:资料保障小组, 包机服务, Millbank House, 尤厄尔路171-185号, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AP, United Kingdom.

如果您想对我们如何使用您的信息提出投诉,请macaugalaxy银河国际 我们的资料保护团队. 您也可以联系当地的数据保护机构.

11. 私隐公告的更改

我们会根据业务和法律要求不时更新本隐私声明. 如有任何重大变动,我们将在网站上发布通知, 在适当的时候, 使用我们为您保留的联系方式通知您. 我们鼓励您定期查看本隐私声明,以了解我们如何使用您的信息.

12. 补充通知

本声明补充了我们的隐私声明,仅适用于加州和弗吉尼亚州的消费者. Terms used but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA") or the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”), as applicable. This Notice does not apply to personal information that we process as a service provider on behalf of our customers or that we collect from job applicants, 承包商或雇员.

We collect and disclose the following categories of personal information and have collected and disclosed these categories in the preceding 12 months:

Category Examples Collected
A. Identifiers A real name, alias, postal address, 唯一的个人标识符, 网络标识符, 互联网协议地址, email address, account name, 社会安全号码, 驾驶执照号码, passport number, 或者其他类似的标识符. YES
B. 个人信息类别列在加州客户记录法规(Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)) A name, signature, 社会安全号码, 物理特征或描述, address, telephone number, passport number, 驾驶执照或州身份证号码, 保险单编号, education, employment, 工作经历, 银行账号, 信用卡号, 借记卡号码, 或任何其他财务信息, 医疗信息, 或者健康保险信息. 此类别中包含的某些个人信息可能与其他类别重叠. YES
C. 受加州或联邦法律保护的分类特征 年龄(40岁或以上), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, 宗教或信仰, marital status, 医疗条件, 身体或精神残疾, 性别(包括性别), gender identity, 性别表达, 怀孕或分娩及相关疾病), 性取向, 退伍军人或军人身份, 遗传信息(包括家族遗传信息). NO
D. 商业信息 个人财产记录, 购买的产品或服务, obtained, or considered, 或其他购买或消费历史或倾向. YES
E. 生物识别信息 Genetic, physiological, behavioral, 生物特性, 或用于提取模板或其他标识符或标识信息的活动模式, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, 虹膜或视网膜扫描, keystroke, gait, 或者其他物理模式, and sleep, health, or exercise data. NO
F. 互联网或其他类似的网络活动 Browsing history, search history, 消费者与网站互动的信息, application, or advertisement. YES
G. Geolocation data 物理位置或运动. YES
H. Sensory data 音频、电子、视觉、热、嗅觉或类似的信息. YES
I. 专业或就业相关信息 当前或过去的工作经历或绩效评估. YES
J. 非公开教育信息(根据《银河娱乐场galaxy》) Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, 学生日程安排, 学生识别码, 学生财务资料, 或者学生纪律记录. NO
K. 从其他个人信息中得出的推论 反映个人喜好的个人资料, characteristics, 心理趋势, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. YES
L. 个人敏感信息 A消费者的社会保障, driver’s license, 国家身份证, or passport number; a Consumer’s account log-ln, 金融账户, debit card, 或信用卡号码与任何必需的安全或访问码的组合, password, or credentials allowing access to an account; a Consumer’s precise geolocation; a Consumer’s racial or ethnic origin, 宗教或哲学信仰, or union membership; the contents of a Consumer’s mail, 电子邮件和短信, unless the business is the Intended recipient of the communication; a Consumer’s genetic data; and the processing of biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying a Consumer; Personal Information collected and analyzed concerning a Consumer’s health; or Personal Information collected and analyzed concerning a Consumer’s sex life or 性取向. NO


  • 向您提供您要求的信息、产品或服务.
  • 为您提供电子邮件提醒, 有关我们产品或服务的活动登记及其他通知, 或者事件或新闻, 你可能会感兴趣.
  • 履行我方在贵方与我方签订的任何合同中所规定的义务和行使我方的权利, 包括帐单和收款.
  • 改进我们的网站,并向您展示其内容.
  • 用于测试、研究、分析和产品开发.
  • 在必要或适当的情况下,以保护我们、我们的客户或他人的权利、财产或安全.
  • 根据适用法律的要求,对执法部门的要求作出回应, court order, 或者政府法规.
  • 评估或进行合并, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, 或其他出售或转让我们的部分或全部资产, 无论是作为持续经营还是作为破产的一部分, liquidation, 或者类似的程序, 其中,我们持有的个人信息是转让的资产之一.

We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated, 或不相容的目的,而不提供通知.


我们可能会披露您的个人信息, 包括过去12个月, 出于商业目的向第三方提供.  当我们出于商业目的披露个人信息时, we enter a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to both keep that personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose except performing the contract.




We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to provide the Service and fulfill the transactions you have requested, 或其他必要目的,如遵守我们的法律义务, 维护业务和财务记录, 解决争端, 维护安全, 发现和防止欺诈和滥用, 执行我们的协议. 用于确定保留期限的标准包括法律上的责任期限限制, 商定的合同条款, 适用的法规要求, 以及行业标准.

Consumer Rights


In addition, 如果你是加州居民, you may request that we disclose to you the following information covering the 12 months preceding your request: (i) the categories of personal information we collected about you and the categories of sources from which we collected such information; (ii) the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling or sharing personal information about you; (iii) the categories of personal information about you that we sold or shared (as defined by the CPRA) and the categories of third parties to whom we sold or shared such information; and (iv) the categories of personal information about you that we otherwise disclosed, 以及我们向其披露此类个人信息的第三方类别.


您可以要求获得您的个人信息的副本, 包括特定的个人信息, including, where applicable, 获取一份你的个人资料的副本, 易于使用的格式. 如果您是弗吉尼亚州居民,这适用于您以前提供给我们的个人信息.

除某些例外情况外,您可以要求我们删除您的个人信息. 如果您是加州居民,这适用于从您收集的个人信息.

您可以要求“选择退出”您的个人信息被出售给某些第三方, 根据适用法律的定义. 此项权利可通过提交一份 不要出售或分享我的个人信息 request.

Our use of tracking technologies through some of our websites may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of your personal information for cross-context behavioral advertising under the CPRA or target advertising under the VCDPA. You may request to opt-out of such tracking technologies by utilizing the “Cookie Settings” link on our websites that use tracking technologies for cross-contextual behavioral advertising or targeted advertising or by sending an opt-out preference signal supported by your device or browser. Your use of an opt-out preference signal will apply only to your device or browser and not to other consumer information that is not linked to your device or browser.

如果你是弗吉尼亚州居民, you may request to opt out of the processing of your personal information for purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.

如果你是加州居民, you may also request to limit the use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information to what is necessary for us to perform our services and provide goods as requested, 按条例授权, 或《银河娱乐场galaxy》准许的其他情况. 此项权利可通过提交一份 限制使用我的敏感个人信息 request.


We do not offer financial incentives or price or service differences to consumers in exchange for the retention or sale of a consumer’s personal information.


你可以要求披露, correction, opt-out, 或删除上述内容,请通过以下方式与我们联系:


邮政:加州包机服务,地址:美国.S. 消费者隐私请求,圣莫尼卡大道11150号,1020室,洛杉矶邮编90025

您可能需要提交您的身份证明,以便处理某些此类请求. 这些信息可能包括您的名字, Last Name, Street Address, City, Zip, 出生日期和你的社会安全号码或驾照号码和州. 这些信息将仅用于验证您的身份和处理您的请求. We may not be able to comply with your request if we are unable to confirm your identity or to connect the information you submit in your request with personal information in our possession.

Authorized Agents – may be required to use the above web form to submit CA Consumers Requests on the behalf of California Consumers. 通过其他方式提交的请求可能会直接使用上述web表单. Authorized Agents must also submit proof of authorization by the Consumers which meets the requirements of the CCPA.



我们在哪里维护或使用去识别的数据, we will continue to maintain and use the de-identified data only in a de-identified fashion and will not attempt to re-identify the data.


我们将不时更新本通知. 任何更改都将在本页上发布,并附有更新的修订日期.


如果你有任何问题, comments, 或投诉本隐私政策或我们处理您的信息, please contact:

邮政:数据保护组, 包机服务, Millbank House, 尤厄尔路171-185号, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AP, United Kingdom


  • 专门的客户经理
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • AVAILABLE 24/7

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